There are two types of conjunctions: intrasentence (which connects the same parts of speech) and intersentence (which connects sentences into a compound sentence). In addition, each of these types may be affirmative or negative. Negation of the conjunction negates the entire compound sentence. All this information is carried in the nasal which follows the vowels la: none for intrasentence and affirmative, m for intersentence and affirmative, n for intrasentence and negative, and ṅ for intersentence and negative.
The odd thing about conjunctions in Qtwyqp Qly is that they join two parts of speech or sentences conceptually but not physically. The conjunction instead appears after both the things which it joins and not between them.
Qṅrmsp ṅya Smwyd Sqwyt ttla zzor.
"Cindy and Scott are my parents."
Logical operators have the vowels lo as relational operators do. The two are distinguished by context. Logical operators join two statements, which are either true or false, to form one compound statement, which is either true or false. A logical operator may be negated by adding an n after the lo; this constitutes a negation of the entire compound statement.
While conjunctions are always used within the sentence, often logical operators are used to join sentences when there are no temporal considerations. Logical operators sound more formal and are easier to use than the more casual-sounding intersentence conjunctions.
Nloym ṅlay bbaybd ṅlaym nloy bboybd tlaṅ.
"Neither do I love him, nor does he love me."
Nloym ṅlay bbaybd ṅlaym nloy bboybd tlon.
"It is not the case that: I love him or he loves me."
Here is list of the affirmative logical operators:
Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.