Marq's Website
Qtwyqp Qly
Numbers are adjectives (or sometimes adverbs) which indicate the quantity of a noun or simply a value.
- Vowels
- a, e, we, wo
- Cardinal
- Ordinal
- Adverbial Number
- Number of Occurance
- Single-word Cardinals
0 |  | dzam |     |  |
1 |  | tpam |     |  |
2 |  | gam |    |  |
3 |  | pham |    |  |
4 |  | phtam |     |  |
5 |  | spam |     |  |
6 |  | pam |    |  |
7 |  | tsham |     |  |
8 |  | dam |    |  |
9 |  | bdam |     |  |
10 |   | tsam |     |  |
100 |    | ppam |     |  |
1000 |     | ttam |     |  |
- Cardinals can be changed into other types of numbers by changing the vowel.
- Other numbers can be formed from the single-word numbers via mathematical operators.
- Examples

- tsam dam ttle
- 10 8 +
- 10+8
- 18

- spam ttam tlen tsham ppam tlen ttle gam tsam tlen ttle pham ttle
- 5 1000 × 7 100 × + 2 10 × + 3 +
- 5×1000+7×100+2×10+3
- 5,723

- gam tsam tlen da ttle ttam pham gdle tlen
- 2 10 × 8 + 1000 3 ^ ×
- (2×10+8)×10003
- 28 thousand million

- gam tsam tlen dam ttle ttam tlen pham ppam tlen ttle phtam tsam tlen ttle spam ttle ttam tlen gam ppam tlen ttle tsham tsam tlen ttle phtam ttle ttam tlen tsam ttle bdam ttle
- 2 10 × 8 + 1000 × 3 100 × + 4 10 × + 5 + 1000 × 2 100 × + 7 10 × + 4 + 1000 × 10 + 9 +
- (((2×10+8)×1000+3×100+4×10+5)×1000+2×100+7×10+4)×1000+10+9
- 28,345,274,019

- tpam pham tle
- 1 3 ÷
- 1÷3
- 1/3

- pam tsam tpam ttle tle
- 6 10 1 + ÷
- 6÷(10+1)
- 6/11

- pam tsam tlen tsham ttle bdam tsam tle ttle phtam ppam tle ttle spam ttam tle ttle da ttam tle tsam tle ttle
- 6 10 × 7 + 9 10 ÷ + 4 100 ÷ + 5 1000 ÷ + 8 1000 ÷ 10 ÷ +
- 6×10+7+9÷10+4÷100+5÷1000+8÷1000÷10
- 67.9458

- dzam gam ttlen
- 0 2 -
- 0-2
- -2

- phtam bdam dzam tpam ttlen tpam gam tle gdle tlen ttle
- 4 9 0 1 - 1 2 ÷ ^ × +
- 4+9×(0-1)1÷2
- 4+9i

- Numbers may be exact or approximate.
- When exact, the/each number ends in m.
- When approximate, the number or the number translating the most significant digit ends in a. This is shown above with 28 thousand million and 67.9458

Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.