Marq's Website
Qtwyqp Qly
Postpositions are words which indicate the positions of nouns relative to each other.
- Vowel
- Placement
- An objective noun + postposition follows the noun it modifies.
- Indicates the position or motion of the modified noun relative to the objective one.
- Strength and Affirmation
- Each postposition in Qtwyqp Qly is either strong or weak, affirmative or negative.
- Strength
- Weak means "about…" or "nearly"
- Strong means "precisely" or "right"
- Affirmation
- Affirmative, the usual.
- Negation, negation of the postposition, "not…"
- Infixes follow the vowel.
- Weak affirmative is assumed.
- m indicates strong affirmative.
- n indicates weak negative.
- ṅ indicate strong negative.

Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.