Marq's Website
Qtwyqp Qly
Proper Qtwyqp Qly has a definite syntax. However, in informal circumstances incomplete or ungrammatical utterances may be acceptable. Full utterances may stand by themselves and are composed of partial utterences.
Partial Utterences
- noun1
- nominative noun
- noun1 + noun1 + intrasentence conjunction
- noun2 + noun2 + verb3
- noun2 + verb4
- noun1* + adjective
- noun2
- objective noun
- noun2 + noun2 + intrasentence conjunction
- noun2 + noun2 + verb3
- noun2 + verb4
- ble + statement + dle
- noun2* + adjective
- adjective
- adjective
- number1
- number2
- noun2 + postposition
- adjective + adjective + intrasentence conjunction
- para1
- adjective* + para3
- number1
- cardinal
- number1 + number1 + mathematical operator
- number2
- ordinal
- number2 + number2 + mathematical operator
- verb1
- active finite verb
- verb1 + verb1 + intrasentence conjunction
- verb1* + adverb
- verb1* + para4
- verb2
- passive finite verb
- verb2 + verb2 + intrasentence conjunction
- verb2* + adverb
- verb3
- active infinitive verb
- verb3 + verb3 + intrasentence conjunction
- verb3* + adverb
- verb3* + para4
- verb4
- passive infinitive verb
- verb4 + verb4 + intrasentence conjunction
- verb4* + adverb
- adverb
- adverb
- number3
- number4
- adverb + adverb + intrasentence conjunction
- para2
- adverb* + para3
- adverb* + para5
- number3
- adverbial ordinal
- number3 + number3 + mathematical operator
- number4
- number of occurance
- number4 + number4 + mathematical operator
- para1
- ble + noun2 + dle
- ble + noun1 + verb1 + dle
- ble + noun2 + verb1 + dle
- ble + postposition + noun2 + noun1 + verb1 + dle
- ble + verb2 + dle
- para2
- ble + noun1 + dle
- ble + verb3 + dle
- ble + verb4 + dle
- ble + statement + dle
- para3
- ble + adverb + dle
- ble + noun2 + relational operator + dle
- para3 + para3 + intrasentence conjunction
- para4
- ble + noun2 + dle
- para4 + para4 + intrasentence conjunction
- para4 + adverb + intrasentence conjunction
- adverb + para4 + intrasentence conjunction
- para5
- ble + noun1 + relational operator + dle
- para5 + para5 + intrasentence conjunction
- para5 + para3 + intrasentence conjunction
- para3 + para5 + intrasentence conjunction
* This componet may not be replaced by the structure that it is part of or by another structure with a componet that cannot be replaced by the structure that it is part of.
Full Utterences
- Statement
- statement + statement + intersentence conjunction
- statement + statement + binary logical operator
- statement + unary logical operator
- unary logical operator
- noun2 + noun1 + verb1
- noun1 + verb2
- number1 + number1 + relational operator
- number2 + number2 + relational operator
- number3 + number3 + relational operator
- number4 + number4 + relational operator
- Question
- statement + interrogative unary logical operator
- Phatic

Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.