Marq's Website
Qtwyqp Qly
Verbs are words which indicate actions or relationships.
- Vowels
- ay, ar, ey, er, oy, or, yay, yar, yey, yer, yoy, yor, ray, rar, rey, rer, roy, ror, way, war, wey, wer, woy, wor
- Tense
- Tense is indicated by initial vowel if not present tense.
- Present tense is assumed.
- y for past tense.
- r for future tense.
- w for future perfect tense.
- Conjugation
- All verbs in Qtwyqp Qly must match agree with the subject in person and number.
- Even verbs in the infinitive form!
- In dictionaries, the 3rd person singular is assumed.
- Person is indicated by the medial or inital vowel.
- a for 1st person.
- e for 2nd person.
- o for 3rd person.
- Number is indicated by the final vowel.
- y for singular.
- r for plural.
- Mood
- Each verb in Qtwyqp Qly has a mood.
- Indicated by the nasal consonant which proceeds the vowels.
- Indicative is assumed.
- m for subjunctive.
- n for imperative.
- ṅ for infinitive.
- Voice and Affirmation
- Voice
- Active, the subject does something in relation to the object.
- Passive, the subject has something him.
- Affirmation
- Affirmative, the usual.
- Negative, negation of the verb, "does not verb".
- Infixes follow the vowels.
- Active affirmative is assumed.
- m for passive affirmative.
- n for active negative.
- ṅ for passive negative.
- Sentence Structure
- For finite verbs
- For inifinitives
- The same, but the subject is given by an objective noun.
- Such clauses are used as nouns.

Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.