By the existence of this proof, I prove that I am nothing striving to be something.
This proof was inspired by a former friend.
We are human beings. Let a = our size.
We are smaller than the city in which we live. Let b = the size of our city.
The city is smaller than the state in which it is. (With the exception of a few cities in Germany, and all other city-states.) Let c = the size of our state.
The state is smaller than the country in which it is. (With the exception of states which form their entire country.) Let d = the size of our country.
The county is smaller than the continent on which it is. Let e = the size of our continent.
The continent is smaller than the surface of the Earth. Let f = the size of the surface of the Earth.
The surface of the Earth is much smaller than the Earth. Let g = the size of the Earth.
The Earth is much smaller than the solar system. Let h = the size of our solar system.
The solar system is much smaller than the galaxy. Let i = the size of our galaxy.
The galaxy is smaller than the universe. Let j = the size of the universe.
Et cetera.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, et cetera are all positive or zero.
Now, we have zero is less than a is less than b is less than or equal to c is less than or equal to d is less than e is less than f is much less than g is much less than h is much less than i is much less than j, et cetera.
Case 1:
By the theory that space is absolute, the universe must be infinitely large and thus anything in comparison to it is infinitely small. Thus the limit of i as j approaches infinity is zero, and since a is less than i, the limit of a as j approaches infinity is also zero by the squeeze theorem. Therefore, we are nothing.
Case 2:
By the Big Bang Theory, the universe is constantly expanding. Thus anything compared to it is constantly decreasing in relative size. Thus the limit of i, as j increases without bound is zero, and since a is less than i, the limit of a as j increases without bound is also zero by the squeeze theorem. Therefore, we are nothing.
Case 3:
By the theory that the universe is curved back on itself, and all other theories stating that the universe is not infinitely large and therefore not covered by Case 1, our relative size, a, decreases as it is compared to the city, b, state, c, country, d, continent, e, et cetera. Thus, the limit of our relative size, a, as the size of the space to which it is compared increases, is zero by the squeeze theorem. Therefore, we are nothing.
In all cases we are nothing, therefore we are nothing.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.