Mirco-ToolsThis is a small collection of tools I programmed in assembly. Since my knowledge of assembly was limited, these tools are simple and don't take much space. FREEZE.COM will freeze the computer. REBOOT.COM will reboot the computer. And CAPS.COM, NUM.COM, & SCROLL.COM will toggle Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock, respectively. Last Updated: 1998-09-22 |
Lock LightsThis program will mess around with the lock lights at the top right of most keyboards. With 20 settings, a variety of effects are avalable to you. The lights can blink on and off in patterns or at random. It's a fun prank to play on an unsuspecting computer user. Last Updated: 1998-09-22 |
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Morse CodePractice your morse code with version 1.2 of this program. You can still practice keying, listen to computer generated code, or see how the computer interprets your code. Now, you can set words-per-minute and use international characters such as "á" and "Ĵ". Last Updated: 2005-09-03 |
De/En-CryptThis is a simple encryption program for crypting files under 32K with a keyword. Last Updated: 1998-09-22 |
Byte-by-Byte EditorThis is a powerful editor for use on files other than text. One may alter an EXE or COM file without knowing anything about programming. Last Updated: 1998-09-22 |
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Binary to Text and Text to Binary ConvertersThis pair of programs is even more powerful than the Byte-by-Byte Editor. The first converts any file into a comma-delimited list of byte codes with printable text and long strings of up to 1024 of the same character separated out for easier reading. This file may be easily altered by a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad. After it is modified, or if a file is made in the same format, it may be converted back from the list to actual bytes. Last Updated: 2005-03-26 |
The TransliteratorThis program uniformly transliterates a text file from one script to another. The program is customizable, and may also be used to encipher texts or generate HTML code. Altho' the program requires that all text files appear in plain ANSI or ASCII format, UTF-8 maybe used to access Unicode characters, so long as the signature character U+FEFF is not prepended to the text file. Last Updated: 2006-06-10 |
Last Updated: 2009-05-02
The author, Marq Thompson, wished the content of this website to be uncopyrighted after his death.