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Ta Ti

English - Ta Ti Dictionary

Since there may be people less imaginative than I, or there may be times when people's imagination fails, I have put together a list of the translations of English words not listed in the vocabulary in addition to those that are. This list is not meant to be a sole guide to Ta Ti vocabulary; once you find the words you need here, look them up in the official vocabulary list. You may wish to check the grammar summary as well to ensure proper speech. Especially note that a final "ha" is usually omitted.

English           Ta Ti                                               Notes

a                 wa                                                  m*
ability           bi
above             fe                                                  n*
absence           fa
absent            fa
abundant          hu nu kra ha
accident          da
to acknowledge    na
acknowledged      na
to activate       pe                                                  vt*
to actualize      lo                                                  vt*
actually          ya
ago               fi                                                  m*
agreeable         pli
ah!               ha
air               he                                                  n*
alas!             pli no
alive             hu fi no
all               to
to allow          bi                                                  vt*
already           tai fi ju
also              ya                                                  m*
to alter          di                                                  vt*
always            tai to ju
amount            nu
amphibian         ni hu swi no ha                                     n*
to amuse          kei                                                 vt*
and               plu
animal            ni
another           di
another           fre                                                 m*
anybody           ni na
anything          je
anything          to
appearance        si
to apply          plai                                                vt*
April             tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu tu tu ha
area              la                                                  outdoor
argument          wo
arm               ma
arrival           ko                                                  n*
to arrive         ko
art               kei
artful            kei
as                ti wei                                              relative
as                wei                                                 used as a preposition
at                lo
auditory          hu se sau ha
August            tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma tu wa ha
autumn            tai hu pla ku ha
autumnal          hu tai hu pla ku ha ha
aw!               ha
away              fa                                                  m*
aye               na
back              tei                                                 n* or m*
bad               hu pli no ha
badness           pli no
ball              rau
to bare           pa                                                  vt*
bark              fla
battle            wo
because           ri
to become         ko
beginning         ko                                                  n*
behind            tei                                                 n*
being             ni na
below             be                                                  n*
beneath           be                                                  n*
big               kra
bird              ni he
black             bla
blow              wo
blue              blu
blunder           da
body              fle
to be born        ko he
to botch          da                                                  vt*
bottom            be                                                  n* or m*
bowl              ba
box               ba
boyfriend         mei
branch            ro sa                                               n*
to break          da
breaking          da                                                  n*
to breathe        he                                                  vi*
brick             sa fla
brown             re ye blu
bug               ni he hu kra no ha
to build          kri                                                 vt*
building          ba kra                                              n*
bump              bu
to burn           fai
but               so
butt              lu kla
button            bu
by                wei                                                 method
can               bi                                                  vi*
candy             swi
capital           we
car               ba mu
card              je fla
to cause          ko                                                  vt*
centre            ne
certainly!        ya
chance            ko
to change         di
to chat           ta
chest             fle fru
to chill          fri                                                 vt*
city              kru hu ba kra ha hu nu kra ha
class             kru hu ni na hu ko na ha ha
classroom         ba kra hu ko na ha
clean             fre
to clean          fre
clock             me tai
to close          fi
cloth             klo
clothing          klo
cold              fri                                                 n* or m*
colour            ku
to colour         ku                                                  vt*
colourful         ku
to come           ko
coming            ko                                                  m*
to commence       ko
communal          kru
to communicate    ta                                                  vi*
communication     ta
community         kru
company           kru
competition       wo
complete          to
completed         fi                                                  m*
complex           hu pli no ha
confident         pau
conflict          wo
confound          da
to consume        fu                                                  vt*
to contain        po                                                  vt*
to control        li                                                  vt*
to cook           fai                                                 vt*
cooked            fai                                                 m*
cool              fri
to cool           fri                                                 vt*
cool!             swi
country           la
crazy             krei
to create         kri                                                 vt*
cup               ba
currency          we
custom            wei
cute              hu si swi
d***!             da
damage            da
to damage         da                                                  vt*
dark              bla
to darken         bla                                                 vt*
darkness          bla
day               tai lai
to deactivate     fi                                                  vt*
dead              hu fi fle ha
deadly            hu da fle to ha
death             fi fle
December          tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma ma tu ha
deed              kri
deity             ni na he kra
desire            de                                                  n*
to desire         de                                                  vt*
destruction       da
device            me
to die            fi fle                                              vi*
to differ         di                                                  vi*
difference        di
different         di
dirt              kro
dirty             kro
to dirty          kro                                                 vt*
discard           do
disharmony        wo
to displace       mu                                                  vt*
to do             kri                                                 vt*
doctrine          wei
dollar            we
domestic          hu kru hu ba kra ha ha
to donate         do                                                  vt*
done              fi                                                  m*
door              lu
to double         kra nu tu                                           vt*
down              be                                                  m*
drat!             da
to draw           fo                                                  vt*
to drink          fu                                                  vt*
to drink          fu ji kwa krei                                      alcohal
drunk             krei plai kwa                                       m*
duo               tu
duration          tai
to dwell          he
earth             la
Earth             la rau kra to
east              wei hu lai ko ha
to eat            fu                                                  vt*
eight             ma tu wa
eighteen          ma ma ma tu wa
eighteenth        hu nu ma ma ma tu wa ha
eighteenth        wa tu wei ma ma ma tu wa
eighth            hu nu ma tu wa ha
eighth            wa tu wei ma tu wa
eightieth         hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
eightieth         hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
eighty            hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
element           wa
elevated          fe                                                  m*
eleven            ma ma wa
eleventh          hu nu ma ma wa ha
eleventh          hu wa tu wei ma ma wa
to emit           do                                                  vt*
emotion           se
to empower        pau                                                 vt*
to enable         bi                                                  vt*
to end            fi
end               fi                                                  n*
energetic         pau
to energize       pau                                                 vt*
energy            pau                                                 n*
to enlarge        kra                                                 vt*
enough            hu nu pli ha                                        quantity
to entertain      kei                                                 vt*
entertainment     kei
equal             hu di hu kra no ha
erotic            ra
ethereal          he
even              ya                                                  m*
evening           tai hu lai fi ha
event             ko
every             to
everything        to
evil              hu pli no ha                                        m*
evil              pli no                                              n*
exchange          do                                                  n*
to exist          lo
existent          lo
eye               fle si
fabric            klo
face              fla
face              fru
face              fru hu fle li ha
faint             de sli                                              used as a verb
to faint          ko sli
fall              tai hu pla ku ha
far               fa                                                  m*
fast              tai hu kra no ju
fatal             hu da fle to ha
father            pa mei
fatherly          hu pa mei
February          tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu tu ha
to feel           se
feelings          se
female            lei
feminine          lei
few               hu nu kra no ha
fierce            pau
fifteen           ma ma ma
fifteenth         hu nu ma ma ma ha
fifteenth         wa tu wei ma ma ma
fifth             hu nu ma ha
fifth             wa tu wei ma
fiftieth          hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
fiftieth          hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
fifty             hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
fight             wo
to figure         na
filth             kro
filthy            kro
financial         we
to find           ko na
finish            fi
to finish         fi
finished          fi                                                  m*
fire              fai
first             hu nu wa ha
fish              ni kwa                                              n*
five              ma
to fix            pli                                                 vt*
flat              fla
flesh             fle
floor             be
food              fu
foolish           krei
foot              le
for               mu
formal            fe                                                  m*
fortieth          hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
fortieth          hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
forty             hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
four              tu tu
fourteen          ma ma tu tu
fourteenth        hu nu ma ma tu tu ha
f***!             da
to f***           ra                                                  vt*
fourteenth        wa tu wei ma ma tu tu
fourth            hu nu tu tu ha
fourth            wa tu wei tu tu
to freeze         fri                                                 vt*
frequently        tai hu nu kra ju
fresh             fre
to freshen        fre                                                 vt*
Friday            tai lai hu nu ma wa ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
friend            ni na pli
from              ri
front             fru
fruit             fu swi
fun               kei                                                 n* or m*
to function       kri
future            ko                                                  m*
future            tai ko                                              n*
game              kei
garbage           kro
gaseous           he
girl              lei
girlfriend        lei
to give           do                                                  vt*
giving            do                                                  n*
glass             ba
god               ni na he kra
good bye!         ki                                                  to staying person
good bye!         mu                                                  to leaving person
good night!       sli                                                 just before bed
goodness!         ha
grand             kra                                                 m*
greatness         kra
green             ye blu
gross             kro                                                 m*
group             kru
gum               kla
ha!               ha
hair              ro kru
half              wa tu wei tu
to halve          tu tu                                               vt*
hand              ma
to happen         ko
happening         ko                                                  n*
hard              sa
to have           po                                                  vt*
having            po                                                  n*
he                hi
head              fle li                                              n*
to hear           se sau                                              vt*
hearing           hu se sau ha                                        m*
heart             fle se
heat              fai
to heat           fai                                                 vt*
hello!            ta
her               hi
herb              pla
here              lo ti                                               n*
here              ti                                                  n*, p*
hers              hi                                                  m*
hey!              hei
hi!               ta
high              fe                                                  n*, relative location
hill              bu
him               hi
hip               sai
his               hi                                                  m*
to hit            wo                                                  vt*
hole              lu
home              kru hu ba kra ha
horizontal        fla
hot               fai
hour              wa hu me tai ha
house             kru hu ba kra ha
household         hu kru hu ba kra ha ha                              m*
how               wei wi                                              interrogative
human             hu ni na ha                                         m*
human             ni na                                               n*
to humanize       ni na
hundred           hu ma ma hu ma ma ha ha
hundredth         hu nu ma ma hu ma ma ha ha
hundredth         wa tu wei ma ma hu ma ma ha
to hurt           da                                                  vt*
husband           mei
I                 mi
image             fo
important         kra
to improve        pli                                                 vt*
in                lo
indeed            ya                                                  m*
infrequently      tai hu nu kra no ju
to ingest         fu                                                  vt*
to injure         da                                                  vt*
inner             ne
insect            ni he hu kra no ha
inside            ne                                                  n*
intelligence      na
intense           pau
internal          ne
it                hi
its               hi                                                  m*
January           tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu wa ha
to journey        mu
juice             kwa swi
July              tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma tu ha
June              tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma wa ha
junk              je
to keep           ki                                                  vt*
to kill           da fle to                                           vt*
kind              swi
to know           na
knowledge         na
lady              lei
land              la
language          ta
lead              li                                                  n*, as in "leader"
to lead           li                                                  vt*
leading           li                                                  m*
leaf              pla
to learn          ko na
to leave          mu                                                  vi*
leg               le
to lengthen       kra                                                 vt*
less              hu kra no ha                                        quality
less              hu nu kra no ha                                     quantity
to lessen         kra no                                              vt*
let               hei                                                 in the imperative sense
life              to
light             lai                                                 n*
light             wai                                                 color
lightness         wai
like              wei
liquid            kwa
to listen to      se sau
little            hu kra no ha
to live           fle                                                 vi*
location          lo
loneliness        so
long              kra
to look           si                                                  vi*
loop              lu
Lord              ni na he kra
love              pli kra                                             n*
to love           pli kra ri
low               be
lower             be
lunar             hu lai hu tai bla ha ha
lust              pli ra                                              n*
to lust after     pli ra ri
machine           me
to make           kri
male              mei                                                 n* or m*
man               mei
manly             mei
manner            wei
many              hu nu kra ha
March             tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu tu wa ha
masculine         mei
material          we                                                  m*
maternal          hu pa lei
may               bi                                                  vi*
May               tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma ha
me                mi
meal              fu
metal             sa                                                  n*
method            wei
mine              mi                                                  m*
mineral           sa
minute            hu kra no ha
minute            wa wa hu me tai ha
missing           fa                                                  m*
mistake           da
to modify         di                                                  vt*
moment            tai
Monday            tai lai hu nu tu ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
monetary          we
money             we
month             tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha
moon              rau lai hu tai bla ha
more              fre                                                 m*
more              hu nu kra ha                                        quantity
more              kra                                                 quality
morning           tai hu lai ko ha
mortar            kla sa
mother            pa lei
motherly          hu pa lei
mountain          bu
mouth             lu fu
much              kra                                                 m*
multiple          nu
mushroom          fu
must              de
my                mi
name              nei
naturally!        ya
necessary         de
need              de
to need           de                                                  vt*
negation          no
negative          hu pli no ha
negativity        pli no
neighbouring      sai
never             tai no ju
new               fre
nice              pli
nice              swi
night             tai bla
nine              ma tu tu
nineteen          ma ma ma tu tu
nineteenth        hu nu ma ma ma tu tu ha
nineteenth        wa tu wei ma ma ma tu tu
ninetieth         hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
ninetieth         hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
ninety            hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
ninth             hu nu ma tu tu ha
ninth             wa tu wei ma tu tu
no                no
no!               no
noise             sau
none              no
north             wei fe rau
nose              fle bu
not               no
nothing           no
November          tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma ma wa ha
now               tai ti
number            nu
numerical         nu
numerous          hu nu kra ha
o'clock           hu me tai ha
object            je
to objectify      je                                                  vt*
October           tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma ma ha
often             tai hu nu kra ju
oh!               ha
okay!             pli
on                fe                                                  n*
on                lo                                                  preposition
one               wa
only              so
ooh!              ha
to open           pe                                                  vt*
operating         kri                                                 m*
or                ho
oral              hu lu fu ha
orange            re ye
orifice           lu
origin            ri
otherwise         di ju
our               hu mi plu yu ha                                     "your and my"
our               hu mi plu yu nu ha                                  "y'all's and my"
our               hu mi plu yu nu plu hi ha                           "y'all's, my, and his/her/its"
our               hu mi plu yu nu plu hi nu ha                        "y'all's, my, and their"
our               hu mi plu yu plu hi ha                              "your, my, and his/her/its"
our               hu mi plu yu plu hi nu ha                           "your, my, and their"
ours              hu mi plu yu ha                                     "your and my", m*
ours              hu mi plu yu nu ha                                  "y'all's and my", m*
ours              hu mi plu yu nu plu hi ha                           "y'all's, my, and his/her/its", m*
ours              hu mi plu yu nu plu hi nu ha                        "y'all's, my, and their", m*
ours              hu mi plu yu plu hi ha                              "your, my, and his/her/its", m*
ours              hu mi plu yu plu hi nu ha                           "your, my, and their", m*
outside           ne no                                               n*
oven              ba fai fu
over              fe                                                  n*
own               po nei
paint             ku
to paint          ku                                                  vt*
pair              tu
paper             je fla                                              n*
parent            pa
to parent         pa                                                  vt*
parental          hu pa
part              wa
particle          wa
past              fi                                                  m*
past              tai fi                                              n*
paste             kla                                                 n*
path              wei
peel              fla
people            kru
people            ni na
permanent         ki
permission        bi
to permit         bi                                                  vt*
person            ni na
personal          hu ni na ha
to personalize    ni na
to personify      ni na
photo             fo
picture           fo
piece             wa
pizza             fu fla rau
to place          do                                                  vt*
plain             la fla
plant             pla
to play           kei                                                 vi*
to play           sau                                                 vt*, an instrument
playing           kei                                                 n*
to please         pli                                                 vt*
please!           de
pleasing          pli                                                 m*
pleasure          pli
to pollute        kro                                                 vt*
pollution         kro
positive          pli
positivity        pli
to possess        po                                                  vt*
possibility       bi
powder            kla                                                 n*
power             pau                                                 n*
project           kri
public            kru                                                 m*
purple            re blu
to put            do                                                  vt*
quantitative      nu
quantity          nu
quarter           wa tu wei tu tu
quickly           tai hu kra no ju
rarely            tai hu nu kra no ju
to read           si
real              lo
really            ya
rear              tei                                                 n* or m*
recreation        kei
recreational      kei
red               re
to reduce         kra no
to release        do                                                  vt*
religious         fe
to remain         ki
remaining         ki                                                  m*
to remember       na                                                  vt*
to remove         fa                                                  vt*
to renew          fre                                                 vt*
to renovate       fre                                                 vt*
to repair         pli                                                 vt*
reptile           ni hu swi no ha
rest              sli
to rest           sli
resting           sli                                                 m*
to restrain       ki
to ring           sau                                                 vt*
road              wei
rock              sa
rod               ro sa
room              ba kra                                              of a house
rope              ro
round             rau
to ruin           da                                                  vt*
to rule           li                                                  vt*
same              hu di no ha                                         m*
Saturday          tai lai hu nu ma tu ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
sauce             kwa
to say            ta                                                  vt*
to scatter        tu ya
school            kru hu ba kra hu ko na ha ha
second            hu nu tu ha
second            wa wa wa hu ma tai ha
sedentary         ki
to see            si
seem              wei                                                 used as a preposition
seldom            tai hu nu kra no ju
to send           do                                                  vt*
to sense          se                                                  vt*
September         tai hu rau lai hu tai bla ha ha hu nu ma tu tu ha
seven             ma tu
seventeen         ma ma ma tu
seventeenth       hu nu ma ma ma tu ha
seventeenth       wa tu wei ma ma ma tu
seventh           hu nu ma tu ha
seventh           wa tu wei ma tu
seventieth        hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
seventieth        hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
seventy           hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
several           hu nu kra ha
sex               ra
sexual            ra
sexuality         ra
shadow            bla
shape             fla
shared            kru
she               hi
shell             fla
short             hu kra no ha
to shorten        kra no
should            de
to shrink         kra no                                              vt*
side              sai
silly             krei
similar           hu di hu kra no ha ha
simple            pli
simplicity        pli
since             ri
to sire           pa                                                  vt*
situation         tai
six               ma wa
sixteen           ma ma ma wa
sixteenth         hu nu ma ma ma wa ha
sixteenth         wa tu wei ma ma ma wa
sixth             hu nu ma wa ha
sixth             wa tu wei ma wa
sixtieth          hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
sixtieth          hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
sixty             hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
size              kra
skin              fla                                                 n*
sleep             sli
to sleep          sli
sleeping          sli                                                 m*
slime             kla
slowly            tai kra ju
small             hu kra no ha
smell             he
so                mu                                                  conjunction
society           kru
sole              so                                                  m*
solid             sa
somebody          ni na
somebody's        hu ni na ha
someone           ni na
someone's         hu ni na ha
something         je
soon              tai ti ko ju
soul              he
sound             sau
to sound          sau                                                 vt*
south             wei be rau
speech            ta
sphere            rau
spider            ni la hu kra no ha
to spoil          da                                                  vt*
spring            tai hu pla fre ha
star              lai hu kra no ha hu tai bla ha
to start          ko
start             ko
stationary        ki
to stay           ki
to steer          li                                                  vt*
stick             ro sa
stomach           fle ne
stone             sa
stove             je sa fla rau fai fu
strange           krei
strength          pau
to strengthen     pau                                                 vt*
to strike         wo                                                  vt*
string            ro
strong            pau
student           ni na hu ko na ha
stuff             je
stupid            krei
to suck           pli no                                              vi*, be distasteful
summer            tai fai
to summon         ko                                                  vt*
sun               rau lai hu tai lai
Sunday            tai lai hu nu wa ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
superior          fe                                                  m*
sure              pau
surface           fla                                                 n*
to swallow        fu                                                  vt*
sweet             swi
sweet!            swi
to sweeten        swi                                                 vt*
system            wei
tail              tei
to talk (about)   ta                                                  vi*
talking           ta                                                  n* or m*
tall              kra
to teach          do na
teacher           ni na hu do na ha
to tell           ta
ten               ma ma
tenth             hu nu ma ma ha
tenth             wa tu wei ma ma
thanks!           pli
that              ti
their             hu hi nu ha
theirs            hu hi nu ha                                         m*
them              hi nu
thence            ri ti no
there             lo ti no                                            n*
there             ti no                                               n*, p*
therefore         mu
they              hi nu
thing             je
to think          se                                                  vt*
third             hu nu tu wa ha
third             wa tu wei tu wa
thirteen          ma ma tu wa
thirteenth        hu nu ma ma tu wa ha
thirteenth        wa tu wei ma ma tu wa
thirtieth         hu nu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
thirtieth         hu wa tu wei ma ma hu tu wa ha
thirty            hu ma ma hu tu wa ha ha
this              ti
thither           mu ti no
thoroughly        to
thousand          hu ma ma hu ma ma hu ma ma ha ha ha
thousandth        hu nu ma ma hu ma ma hu ma ma ha ha ha
thousandth        wa tu wei ma ma hu ma ma hu ma ma ha ha
thread            ro
three             tu wa
Thursday          tai lai hu nu ma ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
thus              mu
ticket            je fla
time              tai
tip               fi
to be tired       de sli
to                mu
today             tai lai ti
tomorrow          tai lai ko
tonight           tai bla ti
too               ya                                                  m*
tool              me
top               fe                                                  n*, relative location
topic             je ta
torso             fru
total             to
to touch          se                                                  vt*
towards           mu
transfer          do                                                  n*
transportation    mu
to travel         mu
tree              pla
true              lo
Tuesday           tai lai hu nu tu wa ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
twelfth           hu nu ma ma tu ha
twelfth           wa tu wei ma ma tu
twelve            ma ma tu
twentieth         hu nu ma ma hu tu ha ha
twentieth         wa tu wei ma ma hu tu ha
twenty            ma ma hu tu ha
two               tu
uh!               ha
un-               no
uncooked          fri                                                 m*
under             be                                                  n*
to understand     na
understanding     na                                                  n*
unit              wa
to unite          wa                                                  vt*
universe          to
until             mu
up                fe                                                  n*
urban             hu kru hu ba kra ha hu nu kra ha ha
us                mi plu yu                                           "you and me"
us                mi plu yu nu                                        "y'all and me"
us                mi plu yu nu plu hi                                 "y'all, me, and him/her/it"
us                mi plu yu nu plu hi nu                              "y'all, me, and them"
us                mi plu yu plu hi                                    "you, me, and him/her/it"
us                mi plu yu plu hi nu                                 "you, me, and them"
to use            plai                                                vt*
verbal            ta
vernal            tai hu pla fre ha
very              kra
very              ya
violence          wo
violet            re blu
virile            mei
visual            si
visually          si
voice             sau                                                 n*
to wait           ki
to walk           mu                                                  vi*
wall              fru
to want           de                                                  vt*
war               wo
warm              fai
to warm           fai                                                 vt*
warmth            fai
to wash           kwa                                                 vt*, with water
to watch          si
water             kwa
to water          kwa                                                 vt*
way               wei
we                mi plu hi                                           "he and I"
we                mi plu hi nu                                        "they and I"
we                mi plu yu                                           "you and I"
we                mi plu yu nu                                        "y'all and I"
we                mi plu yu nu plu hi                                 "y'all, I, and he/she/it"
we                mi plu yu nu plu hi nu                              "y'all, I, and they"
we                mi plu yu plu hi                                    "you, I, and he/she/it"
we                mi plu yu plu hi nu                                 "you, I, and they"
wealth            we
Wednesday         tai lai hu nu tu tu ha hu rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
week              rau hu tai lai ma tu ha
weird             krei                                                m*
well!             ha
west              wei hu lai fi ha
what              je wi                                               interrogative
wheel             rau
when              tai wi                                              interrogative
when              ti tai                                              relative
whence            ri lo wi                                            interrogative
where             lo wi                                               interrogative
where             ti lo                                               relative
which             ti                                                  relative
which             wi                                                  interrogative
white             wai
whiteness         wai
whither           mu lo wi
who               ni na wi                                            interrogative
who               ti ni na                                            relative
whole             to
whom              ni na wi                                            interrogative
whom              ti ni na                                            relative
whose             hu ni na wi ha                                      interrogative
whose             hu ti ni na                                         relative
why               ri ri wi                                            interrogative
wife              lei
will              de                                                  n* or verb
wind              he
window            lu
winter            tai fri
wisdom            na
to wish           de                                                  vt*
with              plai
with              sai
woe!              pli no
woman             lei
womanly           lei
wood              pla
word              nei
work              kri
to work           kri                                                 vi*
working           kri                                                 m*
to worsen         da                                                  vt*
to worsen         pli no                                              vt*
to write          fo                                                  vt*
wrong             hu pli no ha
yay!              pli
year              tai hu rau hu la rau kra to ha
yellow            ye
yesterday         tai lai fi
you               yu                                                  singular
you               yu nu                                               exclusive plural
you               yu nu plu hi                                        "y'all and he/she/it"
you               yu nu plu hi nu                                     "y'all and they"
you               yu plu hi                                           "you and he/she/it"
you               yu plu hi nu                                        "you and they"
young             hu kra no ha
your              hu yu nu ha                                         exclusive plural, "y'all"
your              hu yu nu plu hi ha                                  "y'all's and his/her/its"
your              hu yu nu plu hi hu ha                               "y'all's and their"
your              hu yu plu hi ha                                     "your and his/her/its"
your              hu yu plu hi nu ha                                  "your and their"
your              yu                                                  singular
yours             hu yu nu ha                                         exclusive plural, "y'all", m*
yours             hu yu nu plu hi ha                                  "y'all's and his/her/its", m*
yours             hu yu nu plu hi hu ha                               "y'all's and their", m*
yours             hu yu plu hi ha                                     "your and his/her/its", m*
yours             hu yu plu hi nu ha                                  "your and their", m*
yours             yu                                                  singular, m*
yuck!             kro
zero              no

n*  - used as a noun
m*  - used as a modifier
vt* - used as a transitive verb
vi* - used as an intransitive verb
p*  - after a prepositional "lo", "mu" or "ri"




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Last Updated: 2009-05-02